Residents overwhelmingly reject plans for a for-profit company to take over their homes

Residents on the Lothian estate in Maytt’s Fields have overwhelmingly rejected proposals from a for-profit, private company to snatch control of their homes.

The results of a consultation, held at the end of last year, found that:

  • Around two thirds of eligible residents gave their views: a huge turnout from the community – thank you to everyone who took the time to vote!
  • A huge 82 per cent of council tenants said they did not want a ballot on the proposals
  • Every single leaseholder in the area voted no to a ballot being held.

This huge “no” vote came after local councillors and residents raised serious concerns about how the plans could affects the bills of tenants and leaseholders, and put the future of their homes in doubt. Vision Homes (Lambeth) Ltd and their partner PACCA TMO also clearly failed to convince residents that they had either expertise or ability to run their homes.

Speaking about the result, Cllr Paul Gadsby and Cllr Annie Gallop said:

“Lambeth Council have confirmed that they believe no ballot is now needed on these proposals given the large turnout and clear majority who rejected these plans. We support this position and would urge Vision Homes Lambeth to listen to the people and abandon the proposal. It is concerning that early indications appear to show that the for profit outfit still wants to continue with a ballot.

“We would like to thank everyone who has spoken to us about these takeover plans: we realise this process has been extremely stressful for many residents.”

Further reading on these proposals

Local housing boss warns residents could be left worse off by for-profit private company takeover plan

For-profit outfit unable to provide basic information about their proposals

Leaseholders will lose out under local home takeover plan