Lambeth gives the go-ahead for new “rain” gardens on Myatt’s South estate

Following lobbying from local councillors, Lambeth Council has given the green light for two sustainable drainage (SUDs) gardens, aimed at reducing flooding by planting water retaining plants and surfaces, on the Myatt’s South estate.

Cllr Paul Gadsby pressed for an update on plans for the SUDs on the estate at a recent meeting of Lambeth Council, while highlighting the impact of Tory cuts on the local authorities budget. In response, Cabinet Member for Sustainable Lambeth and Clean Air, Councillor Rezina Chowdhury, said:

” You are right (Cllr Gadsby) to highlight the government’s woeful record on funding for adaptation to climate change. It is left to local authorities to bid for little pots of funding and lobby Thames Water to deliver work that we know to be essential as we continue to break temperature records.”

“However, we are determined to deliver for and with our residents, and Myatts Fields estate is an excellent example of this. We have commissioned construction of the rain gardens at Myatt’s Fields, scheduling this around ongoing deep retrofit work to properties on the estate, which temporarily requires the green space where the SuDS will be positioned. The SuDS works are now scheduled to be implemented in Spring 24.”

“We liaised with the local resident association and those living directly adjacent to the proposed scheme location at St Lawrence Way. We have updated the design to reflect resident input. The rain garden will be set back further from the property boundaries and will also take on a more natural shape and form. The engagement process has enabled us to develop a more aesthetically pleasing scheme. The local resident association has supported us to develop the Lord Holland’s Way rain gardens. We will soon liaise with residents to go through in detail the works involved and how they will be affected.”

Local councillors Paul Gadsby and Annie Gallop have both welcomed the new investment on the estate, saying:

“It is fantastic news that the Myatt’s South estate will benefit from this investment into two rain gardens: we will continue to press for more across Myatt’s Fields.”